Officer Safety
Many things have obviously changed over the last decade. The Illinois Public Safety Agency Network (IPSAN) developed an application called mini-BULLET to assist public safety personnel. Since the wave of the future is clearly going to be hand held devices, IPSAN created this software for law enforcement in an effort to help officers' stay in step with the never-ending advancement of technology. Information needs to be freely accessed by law enforcement at all times.
Officers that use mini-BULLET have access to LEADS information (Law Enforcement Agency Data Systems) from a hand held device (smart phone, iPad, iPhone, Android devices, Galaxy tablets, blackberry devices with Corporate Sync etc). LEADS has a number of components. They include the Computerized Hot File (CHF); the LEADS Informational file; and access to the National Crime Information Center (NCIC), the National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (NLETS) and the files of the Illinois Secretary of State (SOS).
This information is generally delivered via a laptop device inside of the squad car or via a dispatch center in the police station or called in over a voice radio. If you are law enforcement on a field interview, motorcycle, bicycle, horseback, on foot, or in a discreet situation, the laptop is not the solution and calling an inquiry to your dispatcher over a voice radio is not always convenient or confidential. You need access to information from a hand held device and mini-BULLET gives you that option.
All mini-BULLET responses are returned to a private, secure email account, which allows the officer or deputy the option to view the response immediately and/or retrieve the response later from a desktop computer. This allows the officer to print that information; staple it to a complaint; hand it to an investigator; or take it to court etc.