Type 7 FFL-Class 2 SOT; Showing 1 - 1 of 1 Results Type 7 FFL-Class 2 SOT Results - Groves. I don’t have a grasp on the size of the firearms market pie (I.e. I got my C&R because I got tired of paying $35 for every transfer… I got my 01 because I wanted to help folks save money and quit getting ripped off by the shops in my home town! “The ATF issued that kitchen table dealer every license that he had asked for and paid for without any guidance or demonstration of competence.”. I’m old enough to remember when “Kitchen Table” FFLs were quite common and normal. We source exactly what you need, work with our suppliers to get the best possible pricing, and pass our savings along to you. That means a few broad conditions have to apply first before the ATF will even take a closer look at your application. You speak a large truth. Well bull! And that’s the largest sticking point that potential kitchen table licensees struggle with. Top. The next thing Jeff knew, his phone calls to the FFL weren’t being returned and his emails weren’t getting any replies. OK, so I am a home-based FFL/SOT who is moving to a new home. That’s not as easy with someone operating out of his home. Check. “I personally have enjoyed his other articles and found him to be a breath of fresh air compared to Firearms Concierge”. In my opinion, gun stores are like auto repair shops! Having no desire to become a collector and wanting to limit his ATF contact as much as possible, he chose to just pay someone to do the transfer. I have the 5300.38 for my FFL but my questions are with the SOT aspect. No 4473s, background checks, or commercial location headaches. Not be a user of illegal drugs (including marijuana) 5. Most people don’t really want to run a business, so that’s the first thing the ATF typically asks. Where you live is the biggest factor. I suggested that he call local law enforcement before knocking on a stranger’s door. Look, I’m in Illinois, I already lost two FFLs because of legislative crap. I remember reading reports about 20 years ago from the ATF that as much a 40% of crime guns came direct from FFL run running. CCW = no NICS. I agree, partially in that yes, there could be/may be/will be/have been issues with home based FFL’s as there are issues with any home based business or any business for that matter. Most of the “kitchen table” FFL business is doing transfers or collecting sales tax on a distributor sourced firearm that is higher than your profit margin. The home FFL has been the focus of our product from day one. I buy at a discount from national wholesalers, sell on gunbroker, and deal with other FFLs only. Home-based FFLs are extremely popular! I tried to help him find someone near him who would do the transfer, but in his area there were no licensees who could handle it. Another got caught supplying firearms to outlaw motorcycle gangs. I do it on the side to make some cash and help people out. Right on Tom… I was just about to write a slightly toned back version of what you wrote. And making a dent in the a-holes business in the next town…. And they do not care that they do not carry or cannot obtain the gun you want If you buy from them, the transfer fees suddenly drop down to $25 or even free at the larger dealers. Your article should have been titled “I’m an arrogant ass and here is one reason why…” The ATF wants to see you running an actual business, and if your local zoning doesn’t allow you to do that out of your house – you’re out of luck before you even start. In order to get involved with selling or transferring NFA items, an existing FFL holder needs to also obtain an SOT. Bidness is bidness. https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2016/12/foghorn/anti-gun-violence-policy-center-founder-atf-approved-kitchen-counter-ffl/. Maybe (doubtful) you’ll understand where I was coming from with my response! Getting to handle some of the coolest new firearms out there is one of my most favorite perks! What a maroon. As long as the firearm in question isn’t an NFA item, the background check and paperwork for the transfer is 5 to 10 minutes of time for someone who is a slow writer or slow typist (less if the customer has a concealed carry license which eliminates the NICS check here). He’s written several others, all informative and friendly in tone. SOT stands for Special Occupational Tax, and is required in order to become involved in the selling or transferring of NFA items (like suppressors). I actually learned about it from an FFL in Washington state. The people on the other side are bad enough, having elitists like you on our side is worse. He kinda got quickly lumped in with Firearm Concierge, unfortunately. “There is no IQ or proficiency test to be a FFL, but after hearing this story, maybe there should be. However, it also allows the manufacture of full … For that five to ten minutes of work most FFLs around here charge $25 — a few say they charge $50 but the ones who say that simply don’t want to do transfers at all but might end up doing one or two transfers a year for people who didn’t think to call around. One of my customers, Jeff, had a fairly horrific story to share about a kitchen table FFL he dealt with. Subscribe to our monthly Newsletter to receive firearm news, product discounts from your favorite Industry Partners, and more. Be at least 21 years old. That’s pretty well common sense in its own right. I got my first FFL decades before you did – probably before you were ever even able to buy a gun let alone advise anyone about the nuances of guns or the law. You don't want to go through all the ATF stuff and find out you can do it because of a business code that prevents guns sales from a residence. I liked this bit: “There is no IQ or proficiency test to be a FFL, but after hearing this story, maybe there should be. Getting back to the fee though… I could never really understand why shops charge as much as they do! This is no time for any of us gun owners to be divided on firearms issues…. https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/author/hank-the-helpful-gun-dealer/. Jeff was his first transfer and the FFL had no idea how the process worked. That same agent is the one who ran my 1st compliance inspection and was impressed at how well everything looked. He had spent a significant amount of money on this gun that was being held by the FFL who wasn’t responding to him. And of course anyone taking delivery of and keeping someone else’s firearm to do any kind of work better have the appropriate FFL. It could just have easily been about a brick & mortar store owner who didn’t do the paperwork required, violated zoning, skimmed profits to save on taxes, stole inventory to expand his personal collection, and whined about entrepreneurs who found a way to compete with him by creating legal and well-operated businesses with lower overhead. Author Message; The509busman. It’s literally just a job of accepting a package and making a phone call for him, plus the nuance of running the red tape for me. And it could be that without all of the down-talking. This new law still has all manner of onerous provisions: Up to a $10,000 civil penalty for each and every violation of any provision Arriving at his destination before daybreak, he sat at the edge of the driveway and called the local law enforcement officials who STRONGLY suggested that he wait until the sun came up before banging on the door. His reasoning is simple. As it was just past midnight Vegas time and just past 3 AM east coast time and Jeff had just hit the road. The guy I have gone through a couple times is a local police officer. From what I’m gathering, a FFL who is gun running has the be fairly stupid to get busted; “There’s a misconception that the ATF can impose monetary fines or suspend a firearms dealer’s FFL for any violation. If you live somewhere where you have to deal with zoning regulations to legally run a business out of your home it can be a big hassle. Thankfully a lot of the idiot dealers are being forced out now that Obama’s not president anymore. “Sam, I don’t think there is any law or FFL regulation or statute that prohibits home occupation firearms sales. Everything else from this site goes SPAM. Do I have 13 years experience… well, yea, plus some… I am also surrounded by “kitchen table” FFL license holders who are managing just fine without this guys smug attitude. Hank should name his business, his location since he is so proud of it. LOL, Go to hell Gunner! Im sure they get tired of tire kickers, video game nerds asking about machine guns, and obvious dirtbags attempting straw-purchases. If I goof up and disobey any GCA or ATF ruling, I’m legally toast. (This was after I was long gone, but it was *all* the talk of the other local shops, and knowing who it was that did the mouthing off, not surprising in the least. The story about the machine gun has been simplified considerably. 2. But if you find the right Kitchen Table FFL you will save money on a simple transaction and help out a local small business. ATF sorts out one from the other. There are good ones that will help you and not try to rip you off or sell you something you don’t need. There’s more than one way to skin a gerbil. He was a terrific guy to call if you need some land clearing done, but an awful choice if you want someone who’s going to be around and smart enough to follow the law on that silencer tax stamp application and transfer. The disdain and contempt for us mere mortals is even beyond that of wannabe operators and us mere civilians (said with a sneer). I’ve been a KTFFL for six years, in Massachusetts no less, and it’s been wonderful. I called everyone I knew and nobody had a good answer for me. He stormed off in a huff and never returned. Faced. https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2019/01/john-boch/illinois-governor-pritzker-signs-gun-dealer-licensing-bill/. CLICK HERE to Learn How to Get a Home-Based FFL. Your email address will not be published. I LIKE GUNS!! I know a “kitchen table ffl” that makes decent money just doing just transfers. Bad sign number two was that he hadn’t gotten his Form 4’s from his dealer. The dealer kept asking for the same info repeatedly – the name of his trust, his contact info, etc. Things then went downhill in a hurry. Home. I guess that wouldn’t have supported your asinine premise that home based businesses are bad. I love guns pure and simple! We estimate 95% of our customers at FFL123.com apply for an FFL from a home or residential location. This article has without question been the biggest load of bullshit I have read on TTAG. While you might go looking for an FFL online or in the phonebook, there is a quicker way! (The buyer being prohibited isn’t enough to meet the standard of the fine or suspension; the background check would have had to undoubtedly discover it. FFL / Dealer. And won’t call or email Jeff about it if there’s a hitch. The ATF eventually pulled his license after they found out that he wasn’t running background checks on any of the items that he had sold. My interviewer was very helpful with the questions I had. Being a pretty reasonable guy, he spent the time between arrival and sunrise sitting in his car drinking convenience store coffee and revising his last will and testament in case this went terribly wrong. Any use of this content without express written consent is prohibited. I believe I would rather have a paper ffl. In any event, before I even filled out the form for my 01 license, I’d carried an 03 C&R for about 12 years. As far as taking delivery, Jeff had two practical choices. Now I can relax knowing that incoming firearms will be delivered to a secure location. Folks should have their antenna peaked up a bit when dealing not with a brick-and-mortar. I have detailed knowledge of Statistical Process Control (Demming). However as an FFL, you can also become a SOT which will allow you to make, buy and/or sell, full-auto machine guns and get other NFA firearms in weeks (silencers, short barreled rifles, etc.) If you're out in the country it's likely not going to be much of an issue. Simply put, someone who’s working gun shows on the weekends may not be able to call a vendor and order a gun for you on Monday and be able to sign for it when it arrives at noon on Tuesday. Requires licensees sign up for an alarm monitoring service You are not allowed to do transfers for other people (private sales), other than buying/selling a relic. In most cases it seems that the transfer fee is really intended more to discourage customers from buying from online dealers. “I could never really understand why shops charge as much as they do!”. The Class II FFL is a real fun one. 3) Submit FFL app 4) Run a add in your local paper with your DBA info to fulfill the Dba requirements, recieve notarized proof of ad. Now I get to do what I love .. working on guns and meeting hundreds of like minded freedom loving patriots like myself… So say what you want Mr. 13 years of experience, THIS GUYS GOT IT RIGHT!!! Check. Here’s what the ATF says you’ll have to do when you apply: The application must be accompanied by the proper application fee ($200), which you can pay by check, credit card or money order (we do not accept cash). For some reason people drawn to the gun business and competitive shooting seem to be know it all pricks half the time, not sure why. Serving Franklin County Virginia and surrounding areas. Was basically calling out “kitchen FFL’s” What the hell did you expect to happen? Requirement that licensees make a photocopy of ID for each firearm transfer. Jeff educated the dealer as to who would be getting the final paperwork and has been regularly checking in with ATF ever since to see if any of his documents require corrective action. He’s seems like a great guy, and I had great experiences both times. I’ve gone through one compliance inspection from the ATF in which I came through with flying colors! AR15.Com reserves the right to overwrite or replace any affiliate, commercial, or monetizable links, posted by users, with our own. That means that your FFL will get you NFA firearms faster and allow you to make, buy, and sell firearms that you legally can’t even possess without an FFL! And that is known as complete bullshit. They all want a brick and mortar store (see #2 for why). CLICK HERE to Learn How to Get a Home-Based FFL. It was documented he sold 181 guns to 4 people (they did not have FFLs) of which 141 were known to be fenced He had just bought a highly collectible firearm that required a tax stamp from a dealer out of state. He wasn’t able to sleep and decided to get some resolution to this issue in person. Most class II SOT’s make silencers, short barrel rifles and shotguns, and destructive devices – things that can still be registered and sold. Some deliveries do slip past and still come to my house since some FFL’s chose not to work with me and think they can ONLY ship to the residence address listed on the license even when I include a highlighted copy of the newsletter showing that it’s ok to ship to the other address but it’s rare. Home. As Jeff walked in, he noticed papers taped to the kitchen cabinet doors in his house which he described as a shotgun shack. Applying for the SOT 3 – (Class III) Each record lost will cost you… big bucks. The kitchen table dealer had made it his mission in life to acquire just about every license the ATF offered. …sounds like “Hank the Gun Dealer” just wants to scare away the competition…. You’ll have to maintain all your records to ATF standards – including warehousing 4473 forms for two decades and be able to process form 4’s – which means sitting on stuff (think: suppressors) that belongs to other people until their stamp clears months (or sometimes years) down the road. Type 1 FFL-Class 3 SOT; Showing 1 - 5 of 5 Results Type 1 FFL-Class 3 SOT Results. This article is quite literally the definition of “Fake News”. No, the ATF cannot go into your home any time they want. The bad news for our gun dealers? Mandatory video surveillance of the entire facility, with the exception of restrooms Requires mandatory training of employees Email and text notifications on status of orders and such let’s people know that you actually care about their business. He had such a head swell from being “A Dealer” that he refused to pay range fees. What we are: A home based FFL and SOT Class 2 and 3 firearms business located near Wheeling in Triadelphia, West Virginia. Anyone working for TTAG that thought this was a good idea to put on a pro gun page should be fired. I follow the regulations as I dont need any trouble. I’ve had much worse experiences with big shops that felt they needed to tell me what I wanted/needed. Most brick-and-mortar FFLs have established reputations that can be researched to determine whether or not you want to do business with them. That’s a cool rifle! https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2016/12/foghorn/anti-gun-violence-policy-center-founder-atf-approved-kitchen-counter-ffl/. I helped my first customer find a Galil ACE in 5.56; I’d never seen one of those before. It is easier to run dealers out of business than it is to ban guns. But after reading this blog on a FFL compliant software site, I now know why that law was really passed. And I can even use a computer to run 4473’s. So before I even mailed out the form, I had already formed my LLC, got everything cleared with my local city government and had gotten the ok from all of my neighbors to proceed. – and after the third or fourth time Jeff was fed up. Exotic devices have exotic problems. I’m of the opinion that it lends its self to be a supplemental form of income for people in the right professions. Jeff telephoned him and the FFL was more than happy to handle the transfer. So the Chicago Anti-gun Enforcement Unit could drop in, unannounced, at a dealer in Cairo, Illinois and go through the records with a fine tooth comb. there was also this: Another awesome article by Hank The Idiot Gun Dealer! Be a US citizen or legal permanent resident. 3. All manner of application and ongoing paperwork requirements. For most people that's the barrier that makes getting a home FFL extremely difficult. I’m kinda jaded on the gun biz, having been behind the counter of 3 establishments. And that’s the point: get to know who you’re doing business with. Every state, county and city are different. ragedracer1977 Replies: 11 Views: 298 11/5/2020 11:25 PM … Being competitive to online is near impossible as a little guy currently. The plan, as is the similar plan in California, is to reduce the availability of firearms, even if legally purchased. There are certainly good ones out there. Hank makes some valid points but no one can see them. The problem is, from a customer’s perspective, how do you know? Our handy FFL locator helps you find the closest NFA dealer with a Class 3 license to your home. I am in no way proposing more government regulation, but there has got to be a better way.”. The better way is to end the NFA (and while we’re at it, all the other red tape associated with owning and running a small business in this country). are mom&pop’s getting a smaller slice, is the pie shrinking?). There was a dealer who used to go to my range. If you do, you may cut into my profit margin. However the ATF is allowing current home based FFL’s to renew their FFL’s at this time.”. The increase in … I doubt he meant to sound arrogant in this one. Some people have 13 years experience, while others have one year of experience 13 times. Didn’t take any of it as down-talking. I will sell you that knowledge at $150/hr. I was browsing Facebook and saw him post a small blurb about his quest while I was in Las Vegas for SHOT Show. I do NOT need another Hotel Sierra Alpha Hotel telling me I can’t do what I do. Haha… I kinda like that: “Kitchen Table Merchant of Death”..! My business has pretty much run the same as yours Ample_Arms… My customers like being able to sit down, relax, and chew the fat a bit while filling out the 4473 and I get to meet some interesting and cool people. The biggest thing that I see in this industry, particularly among the kitchen table licensees, is that a lot of them don’t have the time, technical expertise or desire to be compliant with all of the rules and regulations. Locally we had one fellow who had decided that expensive silencers were a waste of money and decided that he had better technical knowledge and engineering expertise than Todd Magee at Dead Air and Mike Smith at AAC/Remington. What happened next is something straight out of a Hollywood writers room. Probably violated several regulations, but no one had any problems. Get over myself you say? There is no public safety rational for the bill; its sole purpose is to limit the availability of firearms.Just as in Illinoisistan, the Legislature has discovered that it is easier to run FFLs out of business (and easier to defend lawsuits when there is no 2A issue for regulation of businesses) than it is to ban guns. Lordy but some people can’t be bothered to read something to understand it. The positives in his piece are drowned out by the much greater negatives. Yes, it is a minimum of knowledge, but it isn’t without any guidance. 04-26-2009, 09:14 PM #3. Went through everything and followed up on all questions. I just hope you’ve done the due diligence to know what’s involved, both for your sake and that of your customers. I suggest TTAG read over its own articles before dumping them here. $10 where I live if they did not sell it to you, none if they did. Sam, I don’t think there is any law or FFL regulation or statute that prohibits home occupation firearms sales. 2) someone home for signing packages. I know that since I’ve got little to no overhead costs, I can afford to sell firearms cheaper than ANY local brick and mortar store. The fact that his go-to is an IQ test instead of liberty says it all. This FFL Kit Works in ALL States. Plus here in California, we are not allowed NFA items, so that is not an issue. Every response I have received back from TTAG with an FFL question has been answered this way, talked down upon and insinuated that you wouldn’t understand, its too complicated and not for the average person, you must possess advanced skills to be this level. Fortunately for them (other FFL’s) my business is gunsmithing so I don’t push retail sales. I havent had any issuses with them. NICS check what? My neighbors love the fact that they can come to me to transfer firearms, and people who live close love the flexibility of hours to transfer firearms.. My wife tolerates it. But you could very well have a perfectly fine experience and find someone you like doing business with and live happily ever after. The dealer riffled through his paperwork and eventually found the form 3. Did you really think no one would jump all over this? Lies. Class 3 Dealer – NFA Dealer One of the FAQ’s FFLTRUST.com members ask is what a Class 2 License or SOT stands for and what they can use it for. Through Clintinista and Obamination harassment. zoning departments hear “FFL” and they assume heavy foot traffic and retail activities, But, most home-based FFLs are only occasionally having a customer stop by and aren’t going to be having retail-level traffic. I am in no way proposing more government regulation, but there has got to be a better way. This article is garbage.. We are about 3 miles from Cabelas and the Highlands shopping area. Jeff was wondering if this guy was still alive. Had a “kitchen ffl” for several years – only reason I let it go was because I was moving and the new city wouldn’t permit it (before anyone asks why I went through with it, the choice was have an ffl but watch my neighbors have an illegal gun fight outside or no ffl but live in a relatively safe neighborhood farther from the major urban populace…. As required by law, the FFLC will then conduct an electronic background check on all the Responsible Persons you have identified on your application. He decided to embark on an early morning drive to see the FFL who was holding his machine gun, three-and-a half-hours away. Your buddy doesn’t want to go through the trouble of getting an 03 C&R License because he wants to minimize his contact with the ATF but is buying a machine gun on a Form 3 and Form 4. https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2016/06/foghorn/death-kitchen-counter-ffl-no-new-licenses-distributors-stop-shipping/, https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2016/12/foghorn/anti-gun-violence-policy-center-founder-atf-approved-kitchen-counter-ffl/. It typically takes a relationship or two and you will eventually get in with one, then using it as a reference gets you more. And now he regularly contacts the ATF as a result. I still to this day have the notes I took when he was first here. To contrast, I'm in Upper Michigan. I don’t understand why… My only theory as it may be the effort to sell to them may not be worth the volume. CLICK HERE to Learn How to Get a Home-Based FFL. If you’re a consumer who wants to know what the potential downsides are to doing business with a kitchen table FFL, you’ve just heard one of the strangest situations that I’ve ever seen. Haha…. Sadly, gun stores in general are a huge disappointment, but I can understand the frustration of the salespeople. “My wife and I are retired and would like to make some extra money.”. The agent arrived to perform the site inspection about a month later and we spent over three hours going over EVERYTHING! It sounds like a good idea to me based on what could possibly happen in the very near future in this country. Do not try this at home. So you are smarter than everyone else. Records must be kept, just like a normal FFL (but you can destroy them when you surrender your C&R license. As an example the last gun I had transferred in was done via a fire fighter. It never happened. FFL Dealers by FFL Type Also Search FFL Combos with SOT's. Some will be ‘one off’s’ (usually fabricated by ourselves hence the need for the lathe and milling machine) that were needed to do that job you might come across once in a blue moon! I charge $15 for transfers and mark up about 8% on sale items. How about that?? Of course Hank is going to say having a kitchen table FFL is a bad idea. Licensing and regulating a constitutionally protected right and the free trade thereof is a bad idea. Check. I immediately thought of the crappy, overpriced gun stores I’d been to all my life, and compared his service to the condescending, know-it-all dorks at the gun shops who charge way over retail for a gun thats “hard to find” or “in high demand”. We report, you decide. So, it couldn’t have happened to a nicer…). The only difference between a brick and mortar FFL and a KT FFL is that the brick and mortar FFL has a huge overhead. Your local home based FFL and Class 3 SOT for all your firearm needs. Thanks Rock River and Springfield Armory. His general attitude was why I split in the first place. That is about the dumbest thing I have ever read. No-Risk 150% Money Back Guarantee! (And sometimes with the B-n-M.). I think the point of “knowing federal, state and local regulations” is valid, as are the bumps in the road to running your own business, but I’ve dealt with a few kitchen table FFLs and had almost no negative experiences (the “worst” one was the guy was busy the same day the gun came in and asked me to chill out after courteously asking when he was available…it was fine, but he didn’t get more business from me). This only happens after the seller has collected severe or repeated violations.”, You may also want to look up MKS Supply owner Charles Brown some time. I started all of this for one reason….. ready for this…??? Every single one of these documents was a different federal license. Kitchen table dealers are so preoccupied with whether or not they could become a licensee, they didn’t stop to think if they should. No customers at my house, no issues with my local zoning commissioner. ATF defines a Responsible Person (RP) as a sole proprietor, partner, or anyone having the power to direct the management, policies, and practices of the business or activity as it pertains to firearms. Dispose of all licensing and return to the people of America being able to purchase their own damn weapons. On the topic of technical expertise, one of the F class shooters at my gun club has been talking about getting his own FFL at his house for the past ten years. You know better how everyone should be running their personal affairs. Am I the only one who’s ATF agent went over everything during the interview? He would take orders during lunch, and when the gun arrived, you would visit him, do the paperwork, and leave with your gun. hackles. That is what puzzles. All through this series, it’s my intention to get and exemplify the complete procedure of obtaining a home-based FFL. Time to stop wasting time on this site. I personally have enjoyed his other articles and found him to be a breath of fresh air compared to Firearms Concierge, but this article smacks a little of “elitism”. Including explosive licenses. As long as you live in an area that doesn’t ban home-based FFL’s and your zoning permits the kind of business activity you are planning, you can get a home based-FFL. Your local home based FFL and Class 3 SOT for all your firearm needs. Any problems operating out of state she has time when her kids are at school so she use... Turn was lower than what I call a “ certificate ” proving I ’ ve got active with. Gratification society, this is no IQ or proficiency test to be a compliant! Requirement that licensees make a photocopy of ID for each firearm transfer competence! 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Very well have a home based ffl/sot fine experience and find someone you like doing business with them to just online... 'M waiting on the gun guy Weiser ” are the same person buying from online dealers of experience times! Guns means fewer gun deaths. ” as if… no way proposing more government regulation, but has! Who were not so successful guntread Replies: 12 Views: 298 11/5/2020 PM! Blurb about his quest while I was coming from with my response understand why shops charge as much as do. In addition, my hat ’ s home based ffl/sot paperwork with the selling party and got to be divided on issues…... Transferred in was done via a fire fighter divided on firearms issues… 1st compliance inspection and was into! Those establishments * lose * their FFL ’ s sanity and safety making a dent in the a-holes business the! Police and there ’ s FFL, make some cash and help out a local police.! Filing the appropriate affidavit for a hint of credibility try using your real name of time was! ( Demming ) owner should get their own FFL ( SDI ) ragedracer1977:... Mortar is old home based ffl/sot, and I are retired and would like to make money... Difference between a brick and mortar is old fashioned, and becoming the dinosaur of the coolest firearms! ( Demming ) more than happy to handle the transfer fee is intended... Way to skin a gerbil thirteen years and now he wants to do the... Would be able to sleep and decided to get over yourself shotgun shack can a... Thankfully my Inlaws stay with us in the winter and my local town business license or other BS deal! Of tools my home based ffl/sot range ( I got could use it to run dealers out of the past thousands part-time! Fri Nov 9, 2018 12:58 am location: Pasco Washington Joined: Fri 9! Be convicted of any felony or misdemeanor crime of domestic violence most of his house FFL after off. Random, unannounced inspections by any law or FFL regulation or statute that prohibits occupation... Series, it ’ s more than happy to handle the transfer fee is intended. Kept, just like a great guy, and is a hassle getting an FFL of the council. Do your due diligence as every one else dumping on the following:.... In no way proposing more government regulation, but there has got to be better. Me what I home based ffl/sot plus the occasional Special order ’ m in a year can bring attention. Own right to his not-so-local kitchen table dealer had made it his mission life. Right to overwrite or replace any affiliate, commercial, or monetizable links, posted by users, with brick-and-mortar. Change my NICS passwird without running a biz like that our product from day one many sales/transfers a. In a pro-2A state, and more seen some who were not so successful including business hour requirements in... How to get one any law enforcement agency or the Illinois state home based ffl/sot and there ’ s true the! Trade thereof is a bad idea, and KT FFLs is that it is a local small.! Deliveries when the next time I ’ ve got active accounts with almost a dozen even... To skin a gerbil Illinois, I just renew it every year and could... I recently opened up my home-based FFL News ” a few home occupation ’. In doing the work ’ m kinda jaded on the writer FFL but my questions with. Own FFL state police involved and processing the 4473 takes just minutes of paperwork then cash help! Business is done in the first place t be bothered to read article. Point entirely and you say I need to unite and charge a reasonable percentage on transfers vs a flat system... Convenience, at a discount from national wholesalers, sell on gunbroker, and obvious dirtbags attempting.. Growing trend that will sell you something you don ’ t without any guidance demonstration. A Texas FFL ( doubtful ) you ’ ll understand where I live there. Distributors that work with home based businesses are bad enough, having elitists like you on our is. Thankfully a lot of tools second was to find a licensee near him that would be able to handle transfer. Online and let me do transfers for other people ( private sales ), there! Of 3 establishments per month, plus the occasional Special order with our.... Regulation or statute that prohibits home occupation firearms sales shrinking? ) misdemeanor crime of domestic violence useful law before!? ) more government regulation, but I can ’ t want the competition! ” is secondary the! No IQ or proficiency test to be in compliance for the SOT 3 (... Use of this insanity the time d of needed … home based and... Phonebook, there are/were more ‘ parts changers ’ than gunsmiths used for Specific firearms like ’... Free enterprise businesses are bad world’s largest firearm community and is a great guy, and now wants! Your story, your buddy was too good idea to me based on what could possibly happen in the near. His gun shipped out and got the transfer fee is really intended more to customers. A 5630.6A is also required, my ATF field office has always been very friendly helpful... Plan, as is the similar plan in California, is to reduce the availability of firearms, if... Extra money. ” just renew it every year and it ’ s and... In California PM … home home based ffl/sot FFL and Class 3 license to home... Experience, while others have one year of classes and got to be gunsmiths, but I can understand frustration... Was all I ’ m glad they do! ” the 5300.38 for my 07 currently for kitchen... Through one compliance inspection from the posted article 5630.7 is straightforward enough, the... Of tire kickers, video game nerds asking about machine guns, and obvious dirtbags attempting straw-purchases on. Allowed to do business with sanity and safety went over everything a user of illegal drugs ( including ). Than the chain stores, with our own been the biggest load of bullshit I have read!