It's now these presets are actually pretty good. Well, that's within the animation properties. I do hope that it works and that nothing will explode over here. We can move it up a little bit so that it sits beautifully there in the upper sky where the cloud should be and we still see a little bit down below here which shouldn't be there and that is of course because of the mask of the mountains which aren't covering up entirely those clouds, but I also don't want to stretch out the mask like that either, so I'm going to create a new mask, but this time on the clouds, and we'll just set this back up here. Now we can't really see that curve unless we select this layer right here with the key-frames and click here on this button right there. Every effect works differently, so it's really hard to say what the exact settings should be, it also depends on your situation. This is something that you have to try out, set to a certain value and see what it does to your shot. Let's start off with the inner circle, the white circle. Learn After Effect CC in easy way. Currently the opacity is set at 42. Yeah, good money you know, but since you paid for this class or pirated it somewhere. I'm going to ask a Gaussian blurr to do that again. Can I introduce myself yet? This way the stroke will expand outwards, etc. Nothing much is happening because this is a pretty static shot, but it will play the stuff in your timeline and show it to you in the composition's panel. By adding a wiggle expression to it, I think can deviate from that 42. Make it somewhere like this is okay. Let me just disable this clip here for a moment in the background here on my shot, but I do want to retain the grass guys it's important to me. Let's go forward in time. Just a bunch of basic options that comes with this CC Lens effects. Select it and hit import. The anchor point is the middle point of your object, which could lay outside of the object, like in this case, like you might have already guessed. Let's make this fire bigger. These are the basic properties of your layers. From the timeline now here on the bottom, we can zoom out using this tool right here. The duplication I'm going to rename that to shadow. It's very important that you are going to create smooth animations. That way you can see that the flame gets this motion blur to it, which makes it a bit more natural as I'm moving it around. I'm going to double-click here in my projects panel and I've got this landscape shot over here. We've already gone a little bit ahead of ourselves. You can of course also make multiple selections from the source monitor and then drag it over to your compositions. There you go. Right now we're just working with one video clip but throughout this course, you will see that we are going to work with multiple of these clips. Well, there's a very simple option to do so because after all, the background isn't really black. Now look at that, a beautiful campfire at the hot top. I'm going to solo it out, I'm going to zoom in here on my hands, and because we have two tracking points now, I am going to have to take the pen tool here, take a piece of flesh somewhere like that, disable the solo, move that over to the tracking point like so, make sure to feather this tiny bit, not too much, and I'm going to name this layer here, Cover-up Track 1, right-click on to it, Time, Freeze Frame. Now instead of changing that entire mask like we've seen previously in this class as well, I can just go ahead and increase the mass expansion a tiny bit from here, like so just to make sure that the mosaic effect is definitely covering up my entire face, and of course, this is a technique used very often to track the license plates of cars, or maybe you have people in your shots that don't know that they were filmed, then you also need to make them unrecognizable. Then that is something really awesome. As you can see, that quality looks pretty amazing. Conclusion: Apprentice. If you aren't running the latest version of Adobe After Effects on a Windows machine, then you won't see the Apple ProRes options in here. The are rendering is complete. So go to move this part right here of my finger from the duplicate over to that tracking mark, like so and maybe you want to re-adjust that mask a tiny bit and like we always have to do, go into the mask options and feather that. Just create a mask over your finger like that. For example, put everything in italic or maybe you want to have everything in bolds or everything in capitals that can be done right here as well. Best Free After Effects Course & Tutorials – Motion Graphics (Skillshare) Andrzej Pach, known as … Now we can apply the Mr. Mercury effect onto the top clip right here, on the top composition which will add that weird raindrop effect to my lens, but it will also have the normal shot underneath visible. Now guys, all the stuff that we're going to work with in this class can also be downloaded if you search for the year project tab here on Skillshare. You have your own library which is stored on your computer and then there is the Adobe Stock library, which is on the Adobe computer somewhere. That is a key-frame curve. If we now go into the basic correction, and It's maybe increased the contrast it will be applied to the entire shot as you can see. They are static still and they will match perfectly on top of each other. If I'm going to enable disable that layer, you can see what the glow does to the scene. Let's set that to 0.5 and see how that looks. Then other times you also find out state your mask is not correct. Anyways, what happens if it rains, rain drops fall onto your lens. But you can actually do this with something build in of After Effects. If you're going to send it over to a friend's or two a client, the video is relatively small and everyone could open it up. I think that I should have come up with a better text. Bang, we're all good. Back in the old days when I was at apprentice, we used to work with different sizes of the pixels and that way we could save storage on our media drives, but today, that isn't really necessary anymore. We don't want any blending mode with that, but we are going to make it a little bit softer and we can do that by going into the transfer option and decreasing the capacity. Let's just drag that onto the clip, which we can do with dragging into the program monitor right here, or decomposition, or into the timeline onto one specific layer. There's also a more advanced tracking, but for most of the work when you just have a first and running around, that is not needed. Those were the only two tweaks that I had to do, by the way, this was not shot on a special camera. It's a tiny fire, it seems. Just look at that we have now transformed our landscape shot. Learn After Effect CC in easy way. I'm going to trim that outer circle to it. Right now when I'm going to play this, you will see that the middle circle will open up in scale to that last position, which is exactly what we want. This here represents the entire duration of that composition. That is because the birth size and the death size. Press, okay. Now what I want to do is track the motion of the camera, which is going to be completely different as we've done before, where we going to track the motion of one specific subject or object within our shot. This is our end position, our ending key-frame. The exposure can also be a little bit less as you can see, the mountains are a bit too bright, so let's decrease the exposure. We can rotate that it would be like so or changes the opacity and make it fade out. My first text is awesome. The level is determined by a majority opinion of students who have reviewed this class. Expressions are small pieces of codes that we're going to insert within After Effects, and those codes will execute a certain commands, such as the balance effects. To this project, we are going to gather everything that we're going to work with. In the next lesson, we're going to take a look at shapes. Then it's shot right hear is actually in 4K. Currently, it says animation and animation is actually a pretty good codec that you can go for, but your entry result is going to be pretty big. Conclusion, if you are making a set extension, combining different shots together, make sure that they are first at the same color level, same brightness and all, and then apply an adjustment layer on top of that to color correct everything from a basic start. Now, this position is not the only property that we can animate. Moving on to the last example on how expressions could help us and that is going back to our landscape composite thing, something that we've seen in the beginning of our class, this is what we've created previously. From somewhere right here, I'm going to start the animation for the Opacity from 100 all the away to zero. A video editor app for creating cool vlog and videos. That checkerboards or a transparency grids. It's just the easiest way to create certain visual effects and that is something that I want to show you in the next lesson how we can bring all of these things together and create something unique. This was only possible with a green-screen. Adobe After Effects consist out of these multiple windows. Maybe that is your desired output. I'll show you how you can create your own, "Make the world more beautiful o matic 3000". Learn After Effects … They can be changed in order but also moved in time more to the right or more to the left. This is the panel where we are going to see what we are creating inside After Effects, but we don't see anything yet that is because we haven't create a composition yet. There now it's subtle, nobody notices that there's a mask onto my face, but I am popping out a little bit better. The first one is, for example, as you can see, I am pretty underexposed in my face, so I can go into my Effects and Presets, and I'm going to search for that Mettrie effects, drag it over to that top clip, and I'm going to go to the basic correction from which I'm going to increase the exposure at tiny bits, and that way my face pops out a little bit better as you can see. Obviously I can't show you guys all the effect because that will take ages. If you aren't really sure to where to place these shots, a great trick is to actually go into the layer properties of that new clip here, go into the transform properties and from there I'm going to decrease the opacity I'm going to set that to around 50 percent and now I have a better visual of where I would like to place this shot. Use a range of powerful features to create professional-looking, quality videos. We also have the Tracker Window, which is going to be something super important. If you can't locate anything, then just head over to the menu select window and select the window that you're looking for. Beginners in After Effects who want to start Learning Compositing ,Visual Effects, and Motion Graphics. The animation looks okay, but it doesn't look so professional. These are things that are pretty straightforward. Now with my clip selected in the timeline, I'm going to head back to the tracker window. If I'm playing this back now, you can see that my text beautifully fades out letter to letter. When you are becoming a heavy user of such libraries, then this is a much cheaper alternative, just like with Adobe Stock, you can find a bunch of footage in here that you can just download straight away, also, HD and 4K resolutions. However, if I'm going to select one of these points, you can see that we can pull on these curves. Let's add a text to it. We've already seen that previously in this course. Start a fire or make it rain. You have multiple duplications, but maybe different parts from the same clip. It's a small fire and if you know me by now then, you know that I like bigger explosions or bigger fire. Until then, let's continue with this class. I'm going to enable the motion blur for the flame, and also for the new flesh part on my finger, and finally, I'm going to enable the global motion blur here on top. On top of that we have the Inner Circle. If I'm going to type in here 20, that means that the change around the 42 can be a maximum of 20. Let's start by adding a few more organic things to it. If you're familiar with springing are pro, then you already know the existence of this program probably. We can either do that in here, just change that value, or I can also just take that circle and drag it to a different position. Let's create that. I have been working inside After Effects for about 15 years now and I still don't know all of the functions all of the in and outs of the program. Expand that as well, and in there we can find this CC Lens with all of these same options that we have in here. If you do so the first thing that you're probably going to see is this welcome screen, and there are a couple of things that we can do from here. Again, if you can't find it, right-click columns and make sure that mode right here is enabled. This right here is the automated spat that after effects has generated for me. Learn Adobe After Effects CC 2019 for Beginners. So right now you can see that this clip here is half the length of the composition, which is now 20 seconds, which can also be seen here on the top. But these are all things that we're going to take a look at throughout this class. Let me just enable that layer back in order to only use the mountains, we actually need to cut those mountains outs. You can give that a name if you want or the automatic name that aftereffects is creating here, which is now Orange Solid 1, press "Okay." You still need to practice a lot and that's why I'm going to help you further with that as well. Again, all things that we're going to see within this class. Then I can just drag over into my After Effects program. From here we've got multiple tools like the arrow which we have right now. We want to set the birth size and the death size to the same amounts. For instance, you can say to only track by its position and then the mask will only follow left, right, up and down, that's it, but you can also choose to track the position and it's rotation or even to scale as well. Be careful guys. As you can see, my searching area is coming too close here into this shadow. The first one is the manual way, and the second one is the automatic way. Where can we get out in this program and starts writing codes? For example, you have a car that is driving towards the camera and you want to track the headlights to make them brighter. Let's hold down the Alt key on your keyboards and click on that stopwatch. So in this case, my skin is pretty white and I've got a black marker onto there. I'm sorry, the name is Jodie, but for you, it's Professor. What we have right here now is the green screen chat with me, into it and an empty shot. All right, I want to continue in this lesson on set the extensions, making the world more beautiful, Omega 3,000, which is a machine that works. The HQ is a little bit higher in quality, is also bigger in file size, to the eye is the difference, won't be noticeable. It was abnormal DSLR camera, if you make sure that you're outside [inaudible] plenty of daylight outsides, that there are no wrinkles in your green screen that you take some distance from your dream screen as well, then the keying inside After Effects will actually go pretty smoothly. and Intermediate After Effects Users who want to polish their skills and learn more techniques to … I can just type anything I'd like in here, this is not going to work obviously, I have to write a proper expression in here, a piece of code that will execute the bounce effect for me. For example, the add, which is going to be a very hard in the blending mode. Now in the beginning we don't see anything. 18. We want to move that anchor point into the middle of our object. Read the article . So that was the first way on how we can export a video. Like before, this is something that we've already seen, I'm going to set the blending mode to something like screen maybe or maybe let's set that to add, so it's a little bit more vivid and now I can kind of use this flame here in my shots. This is a technique used very often in films to draw more attention towards the face of your actor, which is the most important parts within your shots usually. If it will now change it to this is my third text that will keep itself aligned to the right. Working with Text: I know that you're already starting to feel like a professor like me, but you're still an apprentice. I'm going to scale this down a little bit, move it to where I want it to be, for example, here on the sides like that, take my pen tool. What it'll do now is go super fast and then slowly it'll end. Oh no, something is wrong with the green-screen device. Just make that bigger like so. Click on it and from there we can choose a few options. But inside After Effects there is no camera, so that means that we could also make animations without motion blur. Unlike what Adobe Premiere Pro, which you might be familiar with already, Adobe After Effects does not need to be saved upfront. Also, it's a glitch, so it can be a little bit weird, of course. If you are watching videos on YouTube or on a flat screen television, usually at a video, what is being streamed or shown is seen completely without being parts cut out, but the title safe area is still a useful tool for us to align our text. Usually we pick out it's the YouTube preset. So this is something that we cannot use right now. Drag that onto your clip or on the square. Click on it to create a key frame, we can go forward in time and we can then change the mask part, so it can just grab this mask, its points and drag it to a new position. It's best to go for a green or a blue key, and by the way, green screens are more sensitive to digital cameras, so those things will go easier. Note they are in the back, so they should be a little bit out of focus. If I were to place my text here all the way outside in the title safe area and my television was only showing the portion here within the title safe area, then the T was invisible anymore. If I'm going to type in here one, that means every second that value is going to change. I'm going to double-click here on my project panel and search for, under my footage folder, right there, Jordy Glitch. With the opacity set to 73, it looks like stripes in my shot. That's why in this final lesson of this class, I'm going to teach you how to export your video in three possible ways. It looks pretty amazing. I'm going to change the text now to something else. 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