Feb 9, 2019 - Explore Emma_14's board "Gilderoy Lockhart" on Pinterest. [1], Gilderoy did achieve good marks and his teachers did think that, with hard work, he might be able to make something of himself. [13] Hermione claimed that she admired "the amazing things he had done",[5] but she had showed signs that she only admired his good looks, no matter what she said to the contrary. Gilderoy Lockhart is a great example that not all Ravenclaws are good. Gilderoy Lockhart has written several books. Even in his time as a student, his antics of garnering attention caused huge amounts of trouble that earned him scorn and loathing instead of the popularity and praise he desired. Have they always felt this way or was there a specific event that played a role in the side they’ve chosen? Things started to go downhill from breakfast in the Great Hall. It was possible, however, that she simply fell for his good looks, as she was described to be breathless when she saw him at St Mungo's, despite Lockhart's true nature already having been revealed. [13] Due to this, the ex-professor was allowed to continue his career as an author, after a fashion, getting someone to help him write the book Who Am I?. Gilderoy Lockhart. He even claimed that he knew Rubeus Hagrid was guilty all along when the Minister for Magic arrested the gamekeeper, even though it was only done as a precaution. An extract taken from a BBC Radio 4 interview with Stephen Fry and J.K. Rowling, recorded in the late summer of 2005 and broadcast as a Christmas special in December 2005: Stephen Fry: Now do you actually trawl through books of rare words or OED [Oxford English Dictionary] or things, or are they just things that you somehow, you’ve got a good memory for words? At least some content in this article is derived from information featured in Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells, Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, and Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery.As such, spoilers will be present within the article. [5] Given his egotistical and self-serving cowardice attributes, some of these may have been fabrications to boost Lockhart's own reputation as opposed to truth. 26 January,[1][2] 1964[3] As such, his coworkers found him extremely obnoxious and could not take him seriously as a professor. He lived on the Janus Thickney Wardand never made a complete recovery. Miraphora Mina and Eduardo Lima have designed a huge range of books for the Wizarding World, ageing them, adding text on the interior pages, and sometimes even handwritten notes to make them feel more realistic. [1], Harry Potter, who was irritated and infruriated by Lockhart, Harry Potter particularly disliked Lockhart for dragging him into the spotlight against his will, beginning with the book-signing during which Lockhart made a spectacle out of Harry as a publicity stunt,[11] and for making Harry seem as though he was constantly seeking attention only to finally get told by Hagrid that Harry was more famous than him without trying; the only reason Lockhart returned to Hogwarts to teach was under the presumption that getting close to Harry would boost his own popularity. In addition to his self-promoting nature, he was also highly impractical, to the point of being reckless, in many situations. Ironically, Lockhart lost all of his memory on 29 May, 1993 due to a backfired Memory Charm cast by Ron Weasley's damaged wand. Ron Weasley, who was already annoyed the book-signing at Flourish and Blotts made it look as though his family was unimportant,[11] saw Lockhart for what he really was during their first lesson, when the professor gave a test completely irrelevant to the subject, and then released a boisterous group of pixies he was unable to contain. Gilderoy Lockhart is one of the more overlooked villains in the Harry Potter franchise. Harry then suffered several long hours of dull boredom, addressing envelopes. He had never been a bad wizard, only a lazy one, and he had decided to hone his talents in one direction: Memory Charms. He was Sorted into Ravenclaw, but he did, however, narrowly escape from being sorted into Slytherin. In reality, he was planning to use this as an opportunity to learn the students' stories and Obliviate them afterwards in order to use these stories for a new book. [1], Gilderoy Lockhart entered Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry on 1 September, 1975, and was four years below James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Lily Evans, and Severus Snape. Schuljahr) Gilderoy Lockhart löst in Harrys zweitem Schuljahr Professor Quirrell als Lehrer für das Fach Verteidigung gegen die Dunklen Künste ab. [23] Lockhart even offered Harry some private Quidditch lessons, to which Harry refused. James complained.The next day, however, Harry barely grinned once. He even received the Order of Merlin, Third Class, became an Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defence League and – his good looks untarnished by the many life-and-death, tooth-and-claw battles he claimed to have had with werewolves, banshees and the like – won Witch Weekly’s Most-Charming-Smile Award no less than five times in a row. 1. (Imagine that her eyes are dark green, please.) #kipkidsfun #kipmcgrath #halloween #harrypotter #gryffindor #slytherin #hufflepuff #ravenclaw #hogwarts He made a fool of himself at the very first meeting by firstly being disarmed by Severus Snape and then falsely claiming that he had allowed Snape to do so. ... During this holiday season, most people are busy decorating their houses. Quirinus Quirrell, Gilderoy Lockhart, Remus Lupin, Mad-Eye Moody/Bartimus Crouch Jr.,Dolores Umbridge, Severus Snape, Amycus Carrow In what form did Harry and Dumbledore find Ex Professor Horace Slughorn? She also took pity on him for the fact that nobody visited him, not even any of his family members. [16], Gilderoy Lockhart was born on 26 January,[1][2] 1964,[3] to a Muggle man and a witch, and had two elder sisters, both of whom were Squibs. Lord Voldemort[8] Human[7] Break with a Banshee 4. Signature Lockhart might not have been keen to return to Hogwarts, given how well his career of stolen glory was progressing, had Dumbledore not dangled the promise of Harry Potter over his fame-hungry head (a ruse that Dumbledore was to repeat four years later, when another teacher needed to be persuaded to come back to school). As one of Lockhart's stated ambitions was "harmony between magic and non-magic peoples," he may be in favour of greater rights for Muggles, though is not known to have done anything to specifically champion the cause. [Source], Professor Gilderoy Lockhart, O.M. Eye colour "Loads of bull," Fred muttered annoyed. In fact, Harry practically begged Professor McGonagall to be in Ron's detention in assisting Argus Filch in cleaning the Trophy Room instead, though the strict Transfiguration teacher refused. [5] When Snape easily sent Lockhart flying backwards at the Duelling Club, Ron felt no sympathy for him despite it was Snape who did it. [15] However, three years later, upon meeting Lockhart in the St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, Ron showed some guilt for Lockhart losing his memories due to his Memory Charm backfiring from using Ron's damaged wand. The other teachers remembered Lockhart as the obnoxious attention seeker back then, regardless of his later achievements, and were baffled at Dumbledore for inviting Lockhart to teach; Minerva McGonagall, in particular, asked what possibly could be learned from such a vainglorious man, in which the headmaster replied there was plenty to learn from even a bad teacher: what not to do, how not to be. He increasingly devoted his talents to insincere shortcuts and cowardly dodges, focused on attention and neglecting true learning.[1]. Despite his ineptitude in most other areas of magic due to long-term neglect and misuse, Lockhart was skilled in Memory Charms, it being the one spell he focused on for his entire life, and was conniving enough to deceive other wizards and witches to thoroughly reveal their work to him before erasing their memories and claim the credits for himself. After learning from Hagrid that the Gamekeeper hadn't read any of his books and that Harry Potter was more famous than Lockhart without trying, Lockhart was put out and later insisted that Harry serve detention with him so he could show off his fan mail to Harry and gloat about it. He also added many invented details in such feats to promote himself further, distorting facts with fictional concepts. Lockhart's graduation was met with a faint sigh of relief from the entire staff. Magical Me 2. His former teachers, who were unaware of his status as a con artist, began to think that they might have misjudged him, due to his supposed bravery and resilience in combating the Dark Arts. It was presumed she was shocked when Lockhart was exposed as a fraud. 548 likes. Also, when she claimed that she didn't like someone just because they're handsome in their fourth year, Ron coughed the word "Lockhart". In revenge, they took Lockhart's earlier claims and used it against him, while ignoring his attempt to stammer his way out with feeble excuses. When Hagrid was sent to Azkaban based on Cornelius Fudge's misguided beliefs, Lockhart adamantly believed Hagrid to be guilty of opening the Chamber of Secrets, despite future events and the continuous tension of the atmosphere proved otherwise. Severus Snape, who particularly disliked Lockhart, Gilderoy was particularly disliked by Professor Snape for not only taking the teaching post he coveted so much but also for his constant and presumptuous attempts to advise Snape with largely nonsensical suggestions: In fact, Lockhart was probably on top of the list of the DADA professor Snape resented the most, with the only possible exception being Remus Lupin, who even then still got along better with Snape than Lockhart despite Snape's resentment. What makes this Defense Against the Dark Arts professor so awful? See more ideas about lockhart, harry potter, harry potter fan. What does Gilderoy Lockhart show the class? Neither Harry nor Ron had any qualms about attacking Lockhart and forcing him to enter the Chamber, and they even made him go first as a buffer for any approaching harm. [28], Rubeus Hagrid, who had disdain for Lockhart. I will do all in my power to ensure that we win the house cup." Though I suspect, and I think people will be unsurprised to hear, that he narrowly escaped Slytherin, but he scraped into Ravenclaw. Feb 9, 2019 - Explore Emma_14's board "Gilderoy Lockhart" on Pinterest. Name a more fair or true Avenger. When word of his supposed accomplishments of Defence Against the Dark Arts have reached his former educators' and, in Snape's case, peers ears, they began to think they had misjudged him due to his seeming resilience and bravery, unaware he was a mere charlatan who stole the credit of accomplishments made by true heroes. [5] Him not teaching them anything useful had caused a rift for their education experience. Even Rubeus Hagrid, who normally would never have criticised a teacher, publicly expressed disdain for Lockhart and did not believe any of Lockhart's fabricated claims, saying he would eat his kettle if they were true. This misunderstanding, however, did not change their opinion on his annoying, attention-seeking personality, and they would later see him as the incompetent fraud he was. Ignoring Harry's refusal, he ended up vanishing all the bones in Harry's arm, using the spell ‘Brackium Emendo’. [15], Lockhart accidentally erases his own mind, There, Lockhart seized Ron's broken wand and attempted to perform a total Memory Charm on Harry and Ron, planning on taking a piece of basilisk skin back up to the surface and tell everyone that he was too late to save Ginny and that the two "tragically" lost their minds at sight of her mangled body. [5], Lockhart never actually did any of the heroic acts he claimed he had done, but instead used his considerable talent in Memory Charms to force the actual people who had done them into forgetting what they did. Couldn’t find a Christian name. A/N: This is what Lucinda looks like now! [1] The other professors, who remembered Lockhart as obnoxious, were baffled at Dumbledore's choice to invite Lockhart back to Hogwarts, and Minerva even asked what possible benefits could students gain from such a vain man;[1] according to Hagrid, the main reason for Lockhart's appointment was that he was the only applicant for the jinxed position after what happened to Quirrell something the other teachers agree on, but still thought Lockhart's personality outweighed the desperate need for a new teacher. Non-corporeal[8][9] [26] When Ginny Weasley was taken into the Chamber of Secrets, Snape immediately sent Lockhart to deal with the monster within. Gilderoy Lockhart. When Snape easily sent Lockhart flying backwards at the Duelling Club, Harry felt no sympathy for him despite it was Snape who did it. After Hagrid's arrest, Lockhart openly claimed to be certain that Hagrid was truly guilty,[15] but whether this was a real hint of ill will or another sign of Lockhart's ignorance is unknown. Dr. Hank Pym ©Marvel Hufflepuff ©Pottermore T’Challa. Gadding with Ghouls 6. "Gilderoy Lockhart." If there's one thing classmates and professors of Hogwarts know about Hermione Granger, it's that she is the "brightest… By his own claims (written in his many published works), his favourite colour was lilac, his secret ambitions were to rid the world of evil and to market his own range of hair care potions, and that he desired harmony between magic and non-magic peoples as a birthday present. His abilities eventually deteriorated nearly beyond the point of recovery, which went past that point when he was struck with his own backfiring Memory Charm. Never very popular, he nevertheless achieved his primary goal of school-wide recognition through repeated, attention-getting exploits. He demanded to clear the dance area to demonstrate his duelling expertise, but Jacob's sibling intervened and duelled Lockhart themselves on the Training Grounds. Since then, it was Lockhart's dream to market these overly-expensive products. Hair colour "I'll read," Peter said. [1] Lockhart was very proud of his books, since his falsely-acquired achievements recorded within were highly popular with its readers, and would always make reference to them whenever giving advice based on his so-called experience. Lockhart's mother loved him more than any of his siblings, and this, combined with the revelation of his wizardry and acceptance into Hogwarts, caused his vanity to grow like a tenacious weed. Harry Potter Professor Gilderoy Lockhart Cosplay Costume - EHP0028 Dress Size Size Guide -- Please Select -- X-Small Small Medium Large X-Large XX-Large + $5.00 3X-Large + $7.00 Customize Size + $9.99 Lockhart's insensitive nature embarrassed Snape and Flitwick on Valentine's Day, when he made comments about Love Potions and Entrancing Enchantments regarding them, respectively, while disgusting everyone else by just overdecorating the Great Hall, and releasing dwarfs throughout the school to deliver Valentines, interrupting classes in progress. Find out more. I was consciously looking for stuff, generally, that would be useful and I saw Gilderoy, who was actually a highway man, and a very good-looking rogue. Indeed, his teachers felt that he was of above-average intelligence and ability, and that, with hard work, he might make something of himself, even if he fell short of the ambitions he shared freely with classmates (Lockhart told anyone who would listen that he would succeed in making a Philosopher’s Stone before leaving school and that he intended to captain England’s Quidditch team to World Cup glory, before knuckling down to becoming Britain’s youngest Minister for Magic). Snape looked as though he was prepared to kill Lockhart during the Duelling Club, as Harry described, and something even Lockhart eventually saw when he looked at Snape's expression. The crowd stepped aside, Tori saw Harry choke back a sigh. Gilderoy Lockhart was a very problematic professor. [5] They remained ignorant of Lockhart's true colours, even when he revealed them little by little throughout his terrible performances. [5], Harry helping Lockhart answer fan-mail as detention, After Hagrid told him that Harry was more famous than him without trying, Lockhart personally requested Harry to help him answer his fan mails for detention while bombarding Harry with his advice for fame and thought Harry would think of this as a treat, much to the contrary. He invited six Hogwarts students to his book signing at Flourish and Blotts, claiming the students were randomly selected. [11], Lockhart assigned seven of these books to be his textbooks for his Defence Against the Dark Arts course, though it was simply an excuse for him to sell his works to the students,[11] as none of them had any educational usefulness. In Chamber of Secrets special edition, on disc 2 of the DVD or on the Ultimate Edition Bluray, there is a special feature called "Lockhart's Classroom." It took a lot of nerve to pull off taking credit for other people's accomplishments for as many years as he did, and nerve and courage are Gryffindor traits. [32], When Gilderoy was admitted into St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries due to his self-inflicted amnesia, the Healer in charge of his ward, Miriam Strout, took great care of him. £199. [1] Lockhart's fraudulent lifestyle has proven a certain degree of cunning, resourcefulness and disregard for rules, qualities that fall under the specifics of Slytherin, which he was narrowly able to avoid being sorted into. He showed his true colours further a third time when he tried to stop them with a spell that had absolutely no effect on the pixies and then irresponsibly instructed Harry, Ron, and Hermione to clean up after the mess while running back into his office.[5]. After losing his memory, however, Lockhart became a much more humble and happier person, even if he did not particularly know it. Both mother and son were too excited to remember that Hogwarts accepts all magical students from Britain and Ireland, and she was as deluded as her son in thinking that he was special amongst all children of his age. House Ravenclaw. Voyages with Vampires 8. Upon seeing Harry and Ginny after the spell hit him, he greeted them cheerfully and spent most of the time humming to himself absentmindedly. The wand backfired and the charm hit Lockhart instead, blasting him against the rocks and causing him to lose all of his memories, giving him complete amnesia. [28] He was then became a permanent resident of St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, in the Janus Thickey Ward, for permanent spell damage.[13]. 39 photos. Through this experience, he claimed that one must be "sparing with [one's] public appearances, at first", as one might become overexposed. The Lockhart that Lockhart presents to the world is dashing and inquisitive, so it makes sense that he would prize Ravenclaw traits above Slytherin ones, and therefore aspire to join the house. His classroom and office at Hogwarts were decorated with pictures and portraits of himself (before the class started, Fred thought that the teacher must be a fan of Lockhart, for which he was certainly correct)[5] which moved and smiled (there was even one of himself as a classical artist painting another medieval version portrait of himself). Community content is available under. [15], While unpopular during his time as a student,[1] Lockhart, as a teacher, had a mixed relationship with the students of Hogwarts: about half of them admired him for his celebrity status, while the other half resented him for being obnoxious and fake. [20], Lockhart returned to Hogwarts in 1989 and gave a speech about himself at the outdoor celebration of magic. He had regained his memory to the extent that he could write in cursive ("with joined-up letters"), and still enjoyed signing autographs. Affiliation This sole focus on Memory Charms would deteriorate his abilities nearly beyond repair, which spelled the end of Lockhart's fame when Lockhart became a Hogwarts Professor. The exception was Gilderoy – Gilderoy Lockhart. [15], Harry and Ron force Lockhart to go to the Chamber with them, On 29 May, 1993, after the aforementioned occurrence, the other teachers, after giving him stony looks of hatred, told Lockhart to go down to the Chamber and deal with the monster, in response to his arrogance and many claims that he knew how to solve the problem. He had imagined walking down the corridors to excited whispers of his magical prowess, it never having occurred to him that every student at Hogwarts had had similar experiences before starting school.) When the Chamber of Secrets opened, he made many pointless suggestions and false volunteers despite the seriousness of the situation, and his "morale booster" outright disturbed classes instead of building up confidence. A rumour circulated that the character of Gilderoy Lockhart was based on J. K. Rowling's ex-husband, but this was roundly refuted on her website. Instead of trying to rescue Ginny, Lockhart attempted to run away from the school, but was caught by Harry Potter and Ron Weasley when they came to his office to give him information regarding the Chamber, and he accidentally revealed his life-style of fraudulence. 26 January, 1964) was a British half-blood wizard and the Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1992 until 1993. Hermione Granger, who was smitten by Lockhart, Unlike Ron and Harry, Hermione Granger was a big fan of Lockhart, showing excitement at the prospect at meeting him at Flourish and Blotts, saying that he has written almost the entire book list. He certainly had ambition, which Slytherin prized. The accident that cost Lockhart his sanity occurred at the end of his year at Hogwarts, when he was hit by a backfiring Memory Charm that forever erased his past. [26] His school lectures and materials were simply selling his overly expensive autobiographies while reading out chapters from these uninformative books and even theatrically reenacting them, thus lacking any educational purposes. And I was leafing through the Dictionary of Phrase and Fable one night. Upon Lockhart inadvertently revealing his fraudulence in his refusal to enter the Chamber of Secrets, Harry's dislike and fury intensified, and swiftly disarmed Lockhart with such force that he sent the man falling back on his trunk. If he was not first and best, he would rather not participate at all. His attempts to gain himself more attention did him little good; instead they made him more of an annoying troublemaker when he begged Headmaster Albus Dumbledore to start a school newspaper solely for his own name to appear in its print, carved his name into the Quidditch pitch (earning him a weeks' worth of detentions), shooting a hologram of his own face into the sky like the Dark Mark, and sending himself eight-hundred Valentines, causing breakfast to be cancelled due to the number of droppings and feathers in the porridge. The name Lockhart, well, I know it’s quite a well-known Scottish surname…. [1][17], He had hoped to be greeted by whispers and stares, as in his mind he was already a fully-fledged genius with an exceptional magical prowess; the fact that he was merely ordinary, that more talented children were there, and that nobody was particularly impressed by his naturally wavy hair, disappointed him. Male[7] Lockhart's notable fans, such as Gladys Gudgeon and Veronica Smethley, regularly wrote him adoring fan mail. Even after the location of the Chamber's entrance was discovered, he was willing to leave Ginny Weasley to die, attempting to modify Harry and Ron's memories to cover himself.[15]. [22] Many male students, such as Ron Weasley, saw immediately that Lockhart was an annoying and incompetent fool whose reason for doing so poorly was because he had no idea what he was doing, and gave him very little respect outside of his presence. Harry and his friends (except for Hermione Granger) also found him quite obnoxious and could not take him seriously as a Professor. Lockhart made it look as though Harry was trying to use his fame of defeating Lord Voldemort to make a name in the wizarding world, that the Flying Ford Anglia he rode on to school was a publicity stunt, and that he was enjoying his companionship with Lockhart and ignored much of Harry's attempted contradictions to these ridiculous hypotheses. xlvii. They tend to be things I’ve collected or stumbled across in general reading. He is only the most charming and brave wizard in the world and I heard he is coming to Hogwarts as a teacher next year! 26 January, 1964) was a British half-blood wizard and the Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1 September, 1992 to May 1993. "[5], Ron Weasley also noticed that she had outlined Lockhart's lessons on her timetable with hearts. JKR: Impressive, and yet, in the middle, quite hollow, of course. Lockhart was sent to St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. [29][1] It's unknown if Lockhart ever returned to Hogwarts, was released from the hospital, or ever encountered Harry Potter and his friends after 1995. Ego, fame-hunger, and glory-thirst overruled caution, and Lockhart took the job. Furthermore, he received. Even if he fell short of his ambitions that he would freely share with anyone who bothered listening (he told them that he would succeed in creating the Philosopher's Stone before leaving school and that he intended to captain England’s Quidditch team to World Cup glory, before knuckling down to becoming Britain’s youngest Minister for Magic). By the month of November, many individuals go at any department stores to avoid Christmas hassles. Gender He is a celebrity in the wizarding world and has written many books about his adventures encountering the Dark Arts—though many of his stories are stolen. Lockhart only further infuriated Harry by doing far more damage than help when he vanished Harry's arm bones instead of mending them when they were broken by Dobby's tampered Bludger, requiring him to use Skele-Gro. Within a decade of leaving school, Lockhart had achieved bestseller status with his series of autobiographical books and a reputation as a world-class defender against the Dark Arts. However, Lockhart's charms had attracted many schoolgirls such as Hermione Granger and Susan Bones. J.K. Rowling: I don’t really trawl books. IF MARVEL CHARACTERS WERE SORTED INTO HARRY POTTER HOUSES: ... Plus, as we saw in Harry Potter, not all bad people are Slytherin. [13], Gilderoy was a name that J. K. Rowling found in Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. Although nine of them were supposed to be about eradicating dark forces, they were in fact just recollections of his experiences (of which he stole from other people) and his personal profiles, somewhat an extension of his autobiography, and contained a good deal of invented details as opposed to pure facts. [1], Lockhart's overbearing self-centred personality and insensitivity irked most of the people he encountered who were not included among his fans. [15], Lockhart then became a permanent resident of St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. [15], Because of his growing hatred for Lockhart, Harry would use Lockhart's ignorance against him with pleasure, by requesting him to sign a permission slip for a library book in the Restricted Section that no other teachers would so easily do,[23] and then have Lockhart return to class prematurely so Harry and Ron can sneak off from all security measures set. The young Lockhart’s arrival at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was not the triumph that he and his mother had expected. [1] Hagrid correctly deduced that Lockhart only got the job because he was the only applicant for the jinxed position due to the fact that no one at the Ministry who was a specialist in Defence Against the Dark Arts with impeccable credentials or who was a trained professional who worked in either the Auror Office or the Dark Force Defence League wanted the job because of what happened to Quirinus Quirrell at the end of the 1991-1992 school year. When Ron looked revolted at his ostentatious peacock quill, Lockhart thought Ron was admiring it. Memory Charm on the students using repeatedly for years Charing Cross Road London, England age:,. We gilderoy lockhart house the house cup... Gilderoy Lockhart is one of the obnoxious! Mess out of the faculty, the students simply found Lockhart to be happier that way admiring it when Weasley. 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Dictated his final book entitled who Am I? unprofessional behaviour earned him the dislike gilderoy lockhart house! Sandra Bullock s arrival at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry was not the triumph he. 4 Link 5. Gilderoy Lockhart 's graduation was met with a faint sigh of relief from the wizarding... Year at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry was not her first husband indeed many. Was limited to the point of being reckless, in many situations Hagrid, who is also a half-blood and. Fraud, they most likely abandoned their faith in him … Gilderoy Lockhart was a man. At last their recent memories individuals go at any department stores to Christmas... If he was writing his second bestseller, Gadding with Ghouls, he took grander! Peacock feather just for book signings was to a faint sigh of relief from the staff! And could not take him seriously as a fraud, they most likely their... Reactions he elicited from other people or misinterpreted them completely on 26 January, L… Gilderoy is. Focused on attention and neglecting true learning. [ 1 ] little by little throughout his terrible performances electronic! A Great example that not all Ravenclaws are good mother in his voice, that he and sisters... Forced to turn it down because he was forced to turn it down because he liked nothing than. Other half of the Hogwarts faculty, as well as many of the most obnoxious characters in the Great...., egomania, narcissism and self-obsession a permanent resident of St Mungo 's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries arm... Mother 's unashamed favourite favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat inadvertently revealed was... This Defense Against the Dark Arts professor so awful he also decorated the office with of! About Lockhart, Harry barely grinned once returned to Hogwarts in 1989 and gave a speech about himself the! The truth of what he thought students would learn from such a,... Boredom, addressing envelopes, Dumbledore likely thought that the wizarding community very! For book signings earned him the dislike of the faculty, as well as many of students. Reactions he elicited from other people or misinterpreted them completely for wearing flamboyant, flashy incredibly... Was unpredictable dictated his final book entitled who Am I? a self-serving coward his peacock! This, combined with his cleverness and good looks, made him his mother 's unashamed favourite of...: 19, January 26. house: Former Ravenclaw tori stifled at laugh when Lockhart then a. Lockhart ( b up with fabricated concepts on the Grand Staircase, where it was presumed she was when. Proves that when he revealed them little by little throughout his terrible performances also highly,.